3D printing may change the world by allowing us to make various custom objects, but there is a small problem & colon; The printer can only print items smaller than itself. That\'s it until now. Skyler Tibbits, self of MIT Assembly lab and colleague Marcelo Coelho provides a way to print large 3D printers for standard 3D printersscale objects. \"This challenges the idea that we always need a machine that is bigger than printing,\" Tibbits said . \". This method, called Hyperform, converts the object to be printed into a single long chain made of interlocking links. An algorithm to figure out how to use the hillport curve-fractal-package the chain into a cube as small as possible This is the most effective way to compress a line into as little space as possible. The generated cube is small enough to be printed inside a standard printer. Once this cube is printed, the chain can be untied by hand and assembled to create the desired object. This is possible because there are gaps in each link in the chain and can only be bent in some way. \"You have to fold it by hand and click it in place,\" Tibbits said . \". Earlier this month, Hyperform won the \"next idea\" award at Ars Electronica 2013 technology festival in Linz, Austria. But for most consumer printers that Tibbits and his team have tried, there are too many print cubes made of such dense chains. \"We started blowing a lot of printers,\" he said . \". So they worked with Formlabs and after the success of the Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, Formlabs just started shipping their Form 1 3D printer. The resolution of Table 1 is much higher than the standard consumer 3D printer. Instead of printing the plastic layer after layer, it uses stereo printing, in which a liquid plastic pool is added to the bottom of the printer and the laser can track the desired pattern, cure liquid plastic. This technology can form a 25 micron thick layer with a small detail of 300 microns. So far, Hyperform has been used to create large structures like chandeliers, which Tibbits considers to be making large 3D- Printing consumer goods. But the resin used by the Table 1 printer has limitations in strength. \"We can do a series of bigger things right away,\" Tibbits said . \". \"But if you want to be big -- The size of furniture or buildings requires a way to make them stronger. It is also not ideal to manually click on each link. This is the rest of Tabby\'s job. It may be helpful to call it 4D printing. 3D material for 4D printing Printed as an intermediate object, it bends and twists into the final structure when exposed to water. \"You can see how Hyperform and 4D printing point to each other,\" he said . \". Clement Morro, CEO of French 3D printing company Sculpteo, said projects like Hyperform are shaping the future of 3D printing. \"This is another example of a more flexible manufacturing process for 3D printing than injection molding, as it constantly opens up new possibilities in terms of materials used and shapes that can be printed. Tuowei can also foster research that is more useful and influential in society at large. As a global rapid prototyping lab company, we take on some of the world’s biggest cnc milling machine cutting tools challenges. Shenzhen Tuowei Model Technologies Co., Ltd. have a whole series of silicone mold making service proto services inc that can solve your dimension 3d printer problem in an effective manner. Check it at Tuowei Model. To stay in contact for latest review of additive 3d printing aluminum prototype across the globe and find out quality products, just go to Tuowei Model. We are proud to be a part of helping you to make healthy choices to last a lifetime. Check out our website to see all aluminum rapid prototyping metal prototype products we offer at Tuowei Model. If you want to start that road to be better, contact us today!