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500x faster -- new ultra-fast 3d printer in works

by:Tuowei     2019-09-11
We don\'t like waiting.
Printing documents on a laser printer can make us fidgety and fast.
Printing a big project on many 3D printers takes forever, but the United StatesS.
The government wants to help. The U. S.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Department of Energy (ORNL)
Machine tool manufacturers from Cincinnati have been asked to help increase the speed and size of 3D printing-
200 to 500 times the speed and 10 times the size.
This month ORNLsigned signed an agreement to start work.
At present, 3D printing speed is slow;
The speed is too slow and it will take you a few days to print a big product.
Many print beds are usually less than 1 cubic foot and are used to print small items and even take hours.
Compared with traditional manufacturing methods, 3D printing is not fast enough for our mobile and demand. it-now world.
Given that there are three already in the 3D printing industry-
Plus what\'s going on for decades when existing manufacturers don\'t do the work themselves?
That\'s my question, and I\'m sure Critics will ask-how can government labs do that?
In the other studies I \'ve done, it\'s certainly possible when you look at what other government projects have triggered-most notably NASA in the US, but there are a lot of other projects.
Large amounts of cash, combined with smart people, tend to produce huge results. But I reality-
Checked this with 3D printing expert Terry Wohlers, who created a well-known 3D printer report with his name: Wohlers Report:
He said, \"ORNL\'s manufacturing demonstration facility has been successful because of its creativity and uniqueness. of-the-
Box thinking, coupled with the willingness to invest in new concepts.
I know these people very well and I can say without reservation that they are very smart and ambitious. ”Dr.
Lonnie Love, leader of the ORNL Manufacturing Systems research group, led the project and he shared some \"how\" and \"why\" to do that.
He said, \"now ORNL-
The Cincinnati project took advantage of the expertise gained in large collaborations
Regional additive manufacturing between Lockheed Martin and ORNL began in December 2012.
The system makes full use of the injection molding industry.
First of all, the raw material is particles, so you go directly from particles to parts (
Not silk).
Second, the extruder has a large nozzle (About 0.
The diameter is 3 \"instead of 0. 020”).
\"The larger nozzle can achieve something important.
First of all, you obviously put down more materials faster (
Two to three orders of magnitude).
Second, it is able to squeeze the fiber-reinforced material.
The fiber reinforcement changes the behavior of the material and enables it to grow out of the oven.
Therefore, the larger nozzle speeds up the speed, but introduces a larger layer knot (
Poor surface finish).
However, since it came out of the oven, we can place the spindle on the same machine and \"work while walking\" to get a very good surface finish, it also provides a very high deposition rate.
\"My opinion is: if you\'re going to choose a company to help you invent a new way of manufacturing, Cincinnati will definitely be at the top of the list.
They are one of the oldest countries in the United States. S.
Since 1898, machine tool manufacturers have made-to-
Ordered machines and shipped more than 31,000 machines in 114 years of operation.
Bartel, Department of Energy science office.
The Department of Energy\'s science office is the largest supporter of basic research in physical science in the United States.
They have a new partnership with Cincinnati, and they may just prove the turning point in moving 3D printing to the speed and size category of machines that mainstream manufacturers need to enter into this cleaning technology approach.
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