According to legend, when George Mallory was asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest, the British mountaineer replied: \"Because it is there. \"Mallory has never been considered the first person to reach the highest peak in the world. He disappeared in 1924, and only 75 years later found his frozen body about 250 metres from the top of the mountain. _ Url = window. location. href; Function PushOpeningPicture (){dataLayer. push({ \"Event\": \"ga _ event_zynet\", \"category\": \"article Gallery\", \"action\": \"Show\", \"label\": \"}); } jQuery(document). ready(function(){ Function _ isMobile (){IsMobile var = ( /Iphone | ipod | Android | BlackBerry | fennec /). test(navigator. userAgent. toLowerCase()); Return to isMobile; } Var isMobile 1 = _ isMobile (); if ( IsMobile1 = false){jQuery(\". ArtImageLightbox \"). colorbox({fixed:true}); if( Type of IsMobile! = \'Undefined\' & isMobile){jQuery(\". ArtImageLightbox \"). colorbox({ Rel: \'group3\', transition: \'No\', width: \'100%, height: \'400px \"}); }else {jQuery(\". ArtImageLightbox \"). colorbox({ Rel: \'group3\', transition: \'No\', width: \'px, height: \'551px \"}); }}yq(\"a. ArtImageLightbox \"). click(function(event){event. preventDefault(); }); = Yq (\"div[ Id ^ = \'citvcompid\']\" ); yq. each( Function (index, value ){ var imgTitle; var imgCredit; Var imgtrick final; Var imgtrick finalalt; Imgtrick finalalt = \'\'; imgTitle = yq(value). children(). find(\'. citv_title\'). html(); imgCredit = yq(value). children(). find(\'. citv_credit\'). html()|| yq(value). children(). find(\'. \')). html(); Imgtrick final = \"\"(imgTitle ! = null){ Var lengthTitle = 90; Var imgTitleLength = imgTitle. length; Trimmed var TitleTrimmed imgTitle =; if ( Length> length){ TitleTrimmed imgTitle =. substring(0, 90); TitleTrimmed = \". . . \"; } Imgtrick final = \" length){ TitleTrimmed imgTitle =. substring(0, 90); TitleTrimmed = \". . . \"; } Imgtrick final = \" length){ TitleTrimmed imgTitle =. substring(0, 90); TitleTrimmed = \". . . \"; } Imgtrick final = \"