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Aiming indigenous engines for space missions: ISRO

by:Tuowei     2019-06-07

ISRO Chairman Dr. K. Radhakrishnan on Monday aims to lay the foundation for a native engine for space missions in India, laying the foundation for the integrated manufacturing (ICEM) facility for low-temperature engines in Bangalore.

The facility was built on a building.

The area relative to the aerospace sector of Hindustan Airlines Limited (HAL) is 5560sqm and will be the responsibility of HAL.

HAL Chairman r k Tyagi said: 'Our plan is to build ICEM facilities in the next two years and we are proud to have developed a local engine strategy for our future space missions.

The main facilities of the upcoming ICEM unit plan include Rotary vacuum brazing facilities, sheet metal forming machines, CNC machines for complex geometry machining (mainly 5-axis ), tungsten Inert Gas/metal inert gas welding, heat treatment facilities and testing facilities for special materials.

The annual turnover of the new facility is expected to be close to Rs 9.

Radhakrishnan said at the meeting, 'Every time we successfully complete the task, we will remember HAL, the mission of the Mars orbiter is up to date.

We have always been partners and will continue to do so in the future '.

Both ISRO and HAL will work to ensure manufacturing, Tyagi saidin-

India's efforts in space have been successful.

Aiming indigenous engines for space missions: ISRO

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