Sharing is the pillar of human history. Now, when we occasionally need the product or service we value, we can access it when we need it. They are cheap, less wasteful, more and more eco-friendly. In the third century BC, nothing in the world is more valuable than books. The \"books\" at that time were actually handwritten scrolls of papyrus and only very wealthy people could reach them. This was before the invention of parchment paper and subsequent paper. This is a long time away from the development of the printing machine. The Internet, Amazon, Bano, noble or indigo have not yet been conceived. Enter the Library of Alexandria. When Alexander the Great consolidated his control of the ancient world, he entrusted tollemini Lagid ( One of his leading generals) By \"collecting knowledge from all over the world\", then sharing it with scholars, royal family members and rich bibli families from all over the world. At its peak, the Library of Alexandria collected more than 400,000 manuscripts. The notable word here is \"share \". \"Books are handwritten and very valuable, and the only way even the rich can reach them is to share them. Many other scarce and valuable things are shared in the same era. Grapes or olive growers will share juicer used to make wine or olive oil. Farmers or villagers share the mills and communal ovens that make bread. Community share daily responsibilityto- Day activities such as hunting, raising children or caring for livestock. Sharing is the pillar of human history. It makes effective use of scarce resources, reduces waste, and is often the moral and social pillar of a community. Even if new technologies like printing machines make it easier for scarce resources to be copied, shared tools like libraries continue to flourish. Then the industrial revolution. From about 1760, humans have learned how to replace human labor with machines and alternative energy sources such as water, steam or electricity. From textile production to manufacturing to transportation to agriculture, it has changed almost every aspect of human life. The economy and population have surged, and the standard of living of ordinary citizens has risen sharply for the first time in history. The industrial revolution and technology have made it the foundation of our modern global economy. One side effect of the industrial revolution is the decline of sharing. The unlimited growth brought about by the industrial revolution has created a world in which more people around the world can get more than ever. This is a very good thing in most cases, and economists applaud. The economy of providing food, clothing, accommodation, transportation, education and entertainment at reasonable prices is in our best interests. However, there is- The product of industrial economy. The process of manufacturing and delivering these new products can sometimes have negative environmental, social and economic side effects. In addition, a large number of products we buy are either not needed or rarely used. The average parking time per car is 95 per cent. Both college students and seniors have accommodation and they only use part of the year before going home in the summer or going to a warm place in the winter. During its lifetime, the average power bit is used for 15 minutes. We laughed and said, \"Whoever dies the most toys wins,\" but the unused products don\'t make us happier. So we share the economy today. If your car is idle for 95, maybe you can sell it and use Zipcar when you do need to drive. Alternatively, you can keep the car and be one of thousands of people who sign up to be an Uber X driver, offering additional cost-effective means of transport while replenishing the revenue. If your house or apartment is occasionally idle, Airbnb can bring you some extra income while offering other people a reasonably priced stay. If you have the time and the appropriate skills, use JobBliss to get in touch with the employer who needs these services and be prepared to pay a reasonable price to get them. If you have a drill that has never been used, donate it to the tool library and if you occasionally need a screwdriver, router or 3D printer, borrow it from the same place at a low price for the annual membership. The modern shared economy gives us the best of both worlds. When we occasionally need products or services that we value, we can access them when we need them. They are cheap, less wasteful, more and more eco-friendly. One more thing. If you think the article is thoughtful, keep sharing it. Alexander the Great.