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Analysis of four functions and applications of prototype model in Shenzhen prototype factory

by:Tuowei     2019-09-25
2014-07- 10 12: 10

analysis of the four functions and applications of the prototype model in Shenzhen prototype factory when designing products, usually the design drawings of the products are completed first. After completing the design drawings, you need to know what kind of effect your design ideas are after they are materialized into entities, whether the appearance of the products conforms to your own design ideas, and whether the structure of the products is reasonable. The prototype model is made to achieve the above goals. The prototype model is a functional model made directly according to the design drawings and separated from the mold, so as to check the appearance and structural rationality of the product. The main functions of the prototype model are as follows. 1. Since the prototype model is a touchable object, it can display the designer's design ideas and ideas very intuitively, so as to test the appearance design of the product, avoid the situation that the drawings look good and the objects are not good. Therefore, the production of prototype model is one of the necessary links in the development of new products. 2. The prototype model can be assembled and disassembled. Therefore, the rationality of product structure design can be checked very intuitively, and the difficulty of product installation can also be checked, so as to find the structural design problems of the product in time. 3. Because the manufacturing cost of the mold is very high, if the structure of the product design is unreasonable, or there are other problems, then the mold is a waste product, which is a relatively large loss for the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to make a prototype model, thus greatly reducing the risk of mold opening. 4. Due to the rapid production of the prototype model, when releasing new products, the prototype model can be used to promote the product in the early stage, so as to achieve the purpose of occupying the market.

Shenzhen Tuowei Model Technologies Co., Ltd. highlighted the need to foster a human openness to technological innovation.
Shenzhen Tuowei Model Technologies Co., Ltd. take prudent risks and work together to assure our success and profitability in the future.
Our company specializes in manufacturing insert injection molding mainly vacuum casting process in rapid prototyping.
Always put quality over cost is the rule of thumb if you want to buy a really durable and reliable . But with Shenzhen Tuowei Model Technologies Co., Ltd., you can have the same.

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