As more DIY communities gather, the manufacturer movement is growing slowly but surely in Malaysia. Egg box and ice The Creamer is just a few things for three students from the University of tiknolomimara (UiTM) Need to build a drone that can work The DIY drone, powered by the motherboard and motor of an unused drone, rises from the ground and cheers the crowd. The beautiful works of the students won the first prize at Yes @ NuSentral Mini Makerthon in Kuala Lumpur. \"The theme of the event is \'Upgrade and reuse, \'and we are encouraged to create new things with materials that would otherwise be wasted. Amirul Aizad, an oil and gas student, said: \"My teammates and I have always been interested in making drones and have accepted the challenge of using recyclable materials to make them . \". Organized by KakiDIY with the support of the National Business Development Office (Nedo) Under the leadership of the Ministry of Finance, mini makerthon is one of many examples of Malaysia\'s booming manufacturer movement. Like other participants, Amirul is a creator of positive creativity and innovation, if not for business, it is just for entertainment. According to Johnson Lam, founder of KakiDIY, 2016 is a great year for the local manufacturer movement. KakiDIY is a place to doit- Enthusiasts, creators and entrepreneurs who share, collaborate and serve others. It organized more than 60 manufacturers. Related events, exhibitions and lectures last year. \"There was a big boost in 2016. Mainly because we opened several makerspaces last year, we had higher exposure compared to 2015. More universities, and even several participants in the big tech industry, joined the campaign. As far as growth is concerned, what I want to say is that it is slow but stable. \"We are far behind countries like the US and even Singapore because our manufacturer movement is still in its infancy,\" he said . \". Based on support for the KakiDIY event and mass participation, Lin said more and more local thinkers and small experts. Some claim that the manufacturer\'s movement has been booming since 2006 manufacturer\'s Fair in San Francisco, USA. This is an activity that aims to create and innovate, present ideas and make impossible possible. For most decorators and designers, initial hobbies have now become a legitimate source of revenue, says Lin, as more and more manufacturers are turning their projects into viable businesses. This is good news for technicians who have not yet received funding. During Parliament\'s 2017 budget submission last year, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the government had allocated RM162mil to implement projects such as e-commerce Business ecosystem and digital manufacturer movement-a private academic initiative to train Malaysian youth in the digital economy. According to Dr. Dato\' Seri, Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Keruak expects the digital economy to contribute 20% to the country\'s GDP ( Gross domestic productby 2020. The Prime Minister also introduced the Malaysia digital Centre to help train talent and provide a platform for startups, innovators and technology entrepreneurs to work with digital organizations with the same interests. \"KakiDIY set up two makerspaces in cyber last year. One is MakerLAB @ MaGIC, Malaysia\'s global center for innovation and creativity (MaGIC) Another myMaker IoT lab and Pertubuhan myMaker, named the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Committee, \"shared Lin. Build a common community. The founder of Sabah jingnabaru coding believes that the maker movement is a way to express creativity. Keenbalu programmer is an umbrella group in several local manufacturer communities, including Kota Kinabalu raspberry jam, Roboneo, Borneo 3 Ders, Google business group KK, Gamersk and software testing and information security group KK. \"The manufacturers are craftsmen who are proud of their work. It\'s a very encouraging experiment- Skills needed in a culture that still disagrees with failure. \"Without experiments, we can\'t improve our previous designs and solutions,\" Raymond said . \". The do-it- He said that your own culture uses general skills such as problem solving, and more importantly, it makes a person self-xadreliant. \"This is the exact opposite of consumerism. Why not buy something? With the right approach, it will be faster, cheaper and more reliable and you will learn something in the process. By definition, the manufacturer is Jack. of-all- Even if you lack specific skills, the banker is in a community of learning --by- Sharing is DNA. \"So, as a creator, you can also help others and learn from others,\" he added . \". In addition to the existing groups and communities, the kinabaru coding staff has continuously supported the establishment of new open technical communities and interest groups. This year, it saw the addition of the robot initiative (Robin) Promotion of General and industrial robots and automation; Remote control vehicles in jingnabalu (Kirov) Raise awareness of land, sea and air drones; And the Internet of Things (IoT)community. \"The availability and relatively low cost of Raspberry Pi and Arduino allow the creation of a variety of portable Internet -- \"The device is connected for automation and data collection,\" Raymond said . \". In addition to adding new groups, Kinabalu programmers will also target the education system in Sabah. It works with state governments and educational institutions to increase demand for manufacturers and the services they promote and deliver. \"We recently participated in the launch of the Raspberry Pi laboratory in a local primary school. In order to learn more about raspberry skin, the female principal has contacted the coding staff of kenabalu. \"We will continue to support schools, train teachers to use Pi and participate in student programs with them,\" he said . \". KitaBikin (KitaBikin) is also introducing the theme of 2017. WeMake) -As an appeal to all manufacturers ( Not only in terms of technology and information and communication technology, but also in Creative Arts) Create, invent and innovate together. One of the most popular activities for consumers in jingnabaru is Roboneo, a three-giant Since its establishment in 2013, the Japanese robot competition has made rapid development. \"The highlight of Roboneo is the Sumo robot war. Custom- Build a robot battle that will push each other out of the designated ring. The winner is left at the end of the round. We have cable-tracking, maze- Solving the robot category, last year we launched the autonomous sumo category, and each sumobot was programmed to fight without any operator intervention. \"The event attracted participation from all over Sabah,\" he added . \". Push my team of conceptual robots (MyCRO) Is working on printing 3D printers for 3D printers. MyCRO co-said: \"This is actually the ultimate goal, and it is not impossible . \" Founder Darween Reza. The company was founded in Central America. Headquartered in Selangor Puchong, custom 3D printer and robot machinery are manufactured at 2016. \"We started this company because we wanted to improve people\'s lives through meaningful innovations in education and learning, monitoring and safety, manufacturing and automation. We dream of turning Malaysia into a technology creator, not a technology user . \" The company imports motors and circuit boards from China, Taiwan or the United States, while purchasing raw materials such as steel shells locally. Print some parts of the 3D printer using MyCRO\'s own 3D printer. Earlier this year, MyCRO released a second version of the 3D printer RP Maker 1. \"The new design is more space-saving compared to the old one and comes with PEI building surfaces. \"The user no longer needs additional adhesives such as glue or tape to hold the printed parts on the building bed,\" Darween explained . \". The price of RP manufacturer 1 is 300 yuan, and Darween said they have received a pre-order Order 60 units this year. \"Our customer base is mainly made up of amateurs, but when we talk at school, we see that parents are also interested in buying 3D printers for their children,\" he added . \". \"The hype is intensifying, and if parents invest in technology for their children, it is certainly a sign that the manufacturer movement is moving in the right direction.