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Shenzhen 3d printing prototype factory-Customer introduction

by:Tuowei     2019-09-24
2018-12- 01 11: 46

Mr. Zhang's company is a company in Shenzhen that makes children's products. They are products that do 3D printing, looking for a prototype factory on the Internet, so I searched'Shenzhen 3d printing prototype factory' After finding the extension model, when the relevant business sent the quotation, he felt that the quotation of the extension was indeed higher than that of other suppliers, because the market price of 3D printing was very transparent, so the customer did not choose the extension model.

and then it will take more than one or two months, the relevant business contact the customer has been talking about the price problem. Just the customer has a cute and relatively large sample to print. The size of the previous print is not very good, 3d printing prototype factory in Shenzhen- The extension model inquiry, the extension model has also adjusted the price according to the previous quotation experience, and the customer also explained the requirements. After both parties reached an agreement, the story happened.

since it is the first cooperation, therefore, the relevant business side has also followed up relatively tight. When the package is shipped, it is packaged outside the customer's expectations. It is very strict and recognized by the customer, and then there is the second time behind it, the third cooperation has also been introduced by customers! If you also want to find a good 3d printing prototype factory in Shenzhen, you might as well look at the extension model.

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Shenzhen Tuowei Model Technologies Co., Ltd.’s goal is to achieve customer satisfaction through excellence in design, supply chain management, manufacturing and repair solutions.
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