Strictly quality inspection is performed on Tuowei rubber prototype. Dimensional tolerances, geometric tolerances, surface roughness, and heat treatment quality will be checked using advanced testing machines.
Meridian Dredge Instrument is a medical device developed by traditional Chinese medicine meridian theory.It can acupuncture, massage, beat and knead automatically. Compared with medicine treatment, meridian dredge instrument has less harm to human body, except a little radiation. Therefore meridian dredge instrument is popular in recent years.Many medical equipment manufacturers are investing more in the R&D for it. Then prototype is needed when developing new product.
A few days ago, we made a project about a prototype for Meridian Dredge Instrument. Its material is ABS. The process includes CNC machining, polishing, pad printing and high gloss. Now we’d like to introduce it to you in detail.
CNC machining: in command of program, the tool of CNC machine moves on the ABS material as per the designated path to cut off the spare parts and finally we could get the rudiment of prototype.
Polishing: there are some burrs on the prototype after cnc machined. It needs to be hand-deburred by sandpaper to make it smooth.
Painting: spraying a layer of paint on the surface of prototype to make it more exquisite. It is worth mentioning that the display screen of prototype was made with transparent PMMA and sprayed a layer of transparent black paint on it.
Pad printing is to print the logo or words on the surface of prototype using pad printing machine. The words on the press-key of prototype is made by pad printing.
High-gloss: covering a layer of UV paint on the surface of prototype to make it brighter.
There are many factors being considered during Tuowei rubber prototype design. They include the selection of material, form and size of the parts, frictional resistance and lubrication, and safety of the operator.
The quality of Tuowei rubber prototype is absolutely correct. Our quality control team spares no effort in every step of material production, assembly, quality inspection and packaging to achieve this result.
Each Tuowei rubber prototype is produced by our design department. They spend time exploring, testing and assessing a variety of materials and processes that fit the scope of this bedding work.
The manufacture of Tuowei rubber prototype adopts various machines. They are cutting bed, folder, spreading machine, sewing machine, stitch machine, and edge trimmer.
Tuowei rubber prototype undergoes a series of strict quality testings. Main tests performed during its inspection are size measurement, material & color check, static loading test, etc.
It is mildew resistant. Its coating has a significant effect on increasing the difficulty for future mold growth and spread.