What Is the Maker Movement and Why Should You Care?
When I was a teenager, my time at home was very bad. Not only is it classified as an \"elective\", the most challenging thing we create is chocolate cookies. Sewing is not part of the curriculum, and any other life skills other than basic culinary and family anthropology studies are not part of the curriculum. I had a few friends take classes at the lumber shop; Most people choose extra elective courses in sports. Compared to my mother\'s generation, it is clear that domestic and creative art education in schools has been in trouble for the past few decades. In some schools, home e-commerce and store courses are not even offered, and they are usually an elective course if offered. Most people of my age (That\'s millennials. There may be two busy working parents growing up ( As a result, these skills may not have been educated in depth) You\'ll see why we\'re all in droves right now. it-yourself (DIY) Websites and apps will teach a lot of us the cooking, making and making skills that many people missed when they were young, and these skills are now very important when we build our homes and build our families. To further prove my situation, look at something from the UK company The reader recently wrote to me: \"My mom was named Miss Betty Crocker at Springfield, New Jersey in 1967. Thirty- Five years later, I graduated from Contempt for the women\'s high school- Category ec of \"gender discrimination. \"While I speak Spanish, recite the Canterbury Tales and figure out the volume of the cone, I can\'t do my laundry, change the tires or sew the buttons. I was educated but rather stupid. Since then, I have taught myself the DIY skills I have missed. This makes a good point: what does \"DIY\" really mean these days? Traditionally, how does it relate\" Includes things like \"how to replace tires\", but over the past few years it has been created more broadly to describe any activity that uses creative skill elements to make or design things on its own. With this definition, DIY can represent everything from baking cakes to decorating bedrooms, to making handmade items like jewelry. Some people also use DIY in a more technical context, as it involves using free software and tools on the Web to make gadgets such as robots, printers and other programmable devices. In the end, I know that some people would even claim that they \"made\" products such as Nike iD sneakers, even if it meant that they personalized the colors and designs online and made them elsewhere. Essentially, the act of the word \"make\" or as a \"manufacturer\" or \"DIYer\" is changing rapidly, affecting more people than ever before. I think it is getting better in this regard. With so many people able to freely share ideas and spread inspiration on the Web, manufacturers are forming their own communities, and more people in the world are being affected to become manufacturers. Etsy now has more than 1 million artisan sellers who make handmade products for sale on the website. ( The site also made nearly a billion dollars in revenue last year, making it clear that demand for these handmade products is also very high. ) Other startups such as Quirky and Kickstarter are providing manufacturers with resources to help them translate ideas into real-life products. Thousands of people attend Maker Faire, the world\'s largest manufacturing event every year. This was assembled by a manufacturer media company that has been focusing on this field since 2005. In addition, DIY is one of the most popular categories on Pinterest, a notorious website for collecting visual inspiration. In fact, on my own site, Brit Co. , \"DIY\" has always been the number one search term. In the past year, we have therefore launched a brand new content network from hand-made websites Select a set of manufacturers so that our users can get the best DIY projects from the web in one place. Big companies are also involved. In the past two years, GE has participated in the construction of the \"GE Garage\", in which manufacturers can learn to prototype new products and manufacture new products using equipment such as laser cutting machines and 3D printers Freedom man, a popular clothing retailer for young women, often hosts craft nights at the door of its anthropology venue. ( In my experience, you will not see a person over 40 years old there. ) Radio now even sells popular open Arduino- It makes it easy for manufacturers to create a source electronic platform for interactive objects. Manual night is replacing the book club. Libraries and museums are becoming \"creative spaces\" where people can gather together to make physical locations. Sales of sewing supplies at Wal-Mart stores have recently increased by 30%. Just last year, someone made Christmas cookies with a 3D printer. Can we agree on the trends that are happening here? Welcome to the maker movement, the evolution of millions of people who venture at great risk to create and sell themselvesmade products. In a mass world Products produced by modern technology are easier than ever to allow a person to create and distribute customizable and unique items without middlemen like manufacturers. This growing shift will continue to affect the economy and could have a significant impact on large retailers. This is a special moment in history that will have a transformative impact on our future. Manufacturers will continue to be found from food to crafts to technology. Together, they will push each other to invent new and innovative things. Many of the technologies driving population growth have not even been built. In fact, the creation movement is just beginning. As a generation that lacks many creative skills, we will certainly make up for that today. I can\'t wait to know where this sport will take us next.