NASA will launch the world\'s first zero. G- Next year, during the replenishment mission to the International Space Station, ready to send 3D printers into space in order to manufacture parts on the following basisSpace requirements. Researchers say the space manufacturing company, manufactured by space-customized 3D printers, will be the first to make parts away from the Earth. 3D Printing in Zero The G experiment will verify that the additive is manufactured at zerogravity. \"Imagine that an astronaut needs to create life --or- The death repair of the International Space Station, \"said Aaron Kemmer, CEO of Space Manufacturing on the company\'s website. \"Instead of hoping that the necessary parts and tools are already on the station, what about 3D printing when the parts are needed? ” said Mr. Kemmer. All space missions today rely entirely on the Earth and launch vehicles that launch equipment into space. The greater the distance from the Earth, the longer the duration, the more difficult it is to supply materials. \"As NASA further explores space, whether it is redirecting asteroids or sending humans to Mars, we need to change the technology to reduce the weight and volume of goods, \"NASA director Charles Boden said during a recent visit to the agency\'s Ames Research Center at the Moffitt Field. \"In the future, perhaps astronauts will be able to print out the tools or components they need in space,\" he said . \". Space Manufacturing and the NASA team envision a future where space missions can actually be self-fulfilling Enough to make most of what they need in space. This includes consumables, common tools, and replacements for missing or damaged parts, and ultimately even cube satellites ( Small satellite that can be deployed). \"NASA\'s 3D printing experiment is a step forward in the future. Ability to print parts and tools in 3D- He said: \"The demand has greatly improved the reliability and security of space tasks, and at the same time reduced the cost by several orders of magnitude . \"Kemmer. \"The first batch of printers will start with building test coupons and then building a wide range of parts such as tools and scientific equipment,\" Mr. Kemmer said. Both space manufacturing and NASA think the space station is the place to start a space trip. Space manufacturing. Michael Gazarik said: \"We have pushed additive manufacturing technology to new heights and tested 3D printing on the space station by working with space manufacturing companies . \" NASA\'s assistant space technology administrator in Washington. In the process of preparing for the 2014 launch, \"space manufacturing\" is at zero- Gravity Tests in 2011, additional tests will be conducted this year. These micro- Gravity test provides a preliminary study for the development of 3D printing experiment. 3D printers are built specifically to meet the environmental challenges of space and are manufactured using extrusion additives that build objects layer by layer from polymers and other materials.