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Splint made by 3D printer used to save baby’s life

by:Tuowei     2019-09-10
By helping the baby breathe with the device created using a 3D printer, the baby\'s life is saved.
The operation in the United States is in a controversial 3D-
Print guns are publicly available online.
It is hoped that more objects with a more positive purpose can also be developed through the 3D printing process to treat other medical conditions-structures being developed for ears, nose and throat surgery
This breakthrough intervention was carried out after the parents of Kaiba Gionfriddo asked the doctor to help their six children. week-
Old son, when the family ate at the restaurant, he collapsed and turned blue.
Over the next few months, he often stops breathing and has to recover every day.
The main arteries of the heart and lungs were misplaced at the time of Kaiba\'s birth;
They are squeezing his trachea, causing a rare disease called the trachea-branch of the trachea.
The most affected children will grow up at the age of three, but in severe cases they will lead to death.
Doctors working with Professor Scott Hollister, a biomedical engineer at the University of Michigan, used a 3D printer to make a device like a vacuum cleaner hose that is implanted into the chest of Kaiba and acts as a splint, keep his airway open.
Three weeks after surgery in February 2012-only now in the New England Journal of Medicine-he was removed from the ventilator and has not had difficulty breathing since.
On April, his mother said: \"Many doctors warn that there is a good chance that he will not leave the hospital alive.
Professor holist said: \"The Case of Kaiba is the highlight of my career.
Building something that a surgeon can use to save someone\'s life-is a huge feeling.
\"Keba has been in normal health until he struggled to breathe when he was six weeks old.
When he was gasping for two months, his chest was choppy and the doctor had to perform a tracheal incision.
Keba\'s doctors contacted biomedical engineering experts at the University of Michigan who are developing a new device for patients that will dissolve and be absorbed by the body in a few years.
They received an emergency permission from the US Food and Drug Administration to manufacture and implant a trachea splint.
Glenn Green, associate professor of pediatric otolaryngology in Michigan, said: \"For years, severe trachea-bronchi softening has been bothering me.
I saw the children die because of this.
Even with the best treatment, Keba will soon die.
Seeing the work of this device is a major achievement that provides hope for these children.
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