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Prototype-We can't just look at the price and ignore the quality

by:Tuowei     2019-09-28
2018-12- 08 15: 07

The drawings just designed will have some imperfections, so it is necessary to prototype to detect whether the design is reasonable. At present, the Internet is so developed that many Mr. Zhang is looking for prototype suppliers through the Internet. Some time ago, Mr. Zhang of Songgang found the extension model through the search prototype factory.

Mr. Zhang sent x- T's drawings and business Xiao Cao told Mr. Zhang that the extension model was made of proe and asked Mr. Zhang if he had any drawings in stp format. If not, Xiao Cao and Mr. Zhang said that he used solidworks to convert it into stp format, use proe to view the processing of drawing size and details. Ask Mr. Zhang about the number and quantity of samples and the requirements for the surface of the product. After the quotation was given to Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang said that it was expensive. Xiao Cao said that the tuowei model has been done in the prototype industry for more than ten years. It has a good reputation in the prototype industry. Typing a prototype here can be assured.

if there is anything after the prototype is played. Follow-up problems or changes, and the extension model will also give you active treatment. If there is a problem with the quality, the company will repair it for you, and will redo it for you if you can't repair it. After Mr. Zhang returned to Xiao Cao and reported to the leader. After waiting for a day, Xiao Cao asked Mr. Zhang about his progress. Mr. Zhang said that the leader felt that the price was a bit too expensive and hoped to drop a little. Xiao Cao sent him some customer cases he had done before and insisted on not reducing the price. Mr. Zhang felt that the business of the extension model was so confident that the quality should not be too bad, so he still gave a small number of prototypes to the extension model.

few days later, Mr. Zhang received the prototype sent by the extension model and verified it. He felt that the processing accuracy was not bad. Therefore, when typing a prototype, we should not pay too much attention to the price, but also pay attention to the quality of the prototype.

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Tuowei focuses on three key elements—process, people, and technology—the authors found that people of two seemingly opposite cultures are able to work together in a project-based environment to complement each other and reap mutual benefits for a win-win result.

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