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paranorman producers make film using 3d colour printers

by:Tuowei     2019-09-08
Lights. . . camera. . .
3D color printer
In the process of making supernatural people, a new stop
In an animated film released in the UK this week, four 3D printers are important members of the crew. Stop-
The film is a traditional film.
Production technology dates back to the 19 th century.
It includes the illusion of using a puppet model that is gently repositioned in one frame to create motion.
Traditionally, the individual\'s facial expressions are hand-carved out of clay, but the producer of the supernatural has built a library of 8,800 3D.
The face printed separately for the main character can be used in various sequences, giving him about 1.
5 million different expressions.
The production company Lecca began experimenting with 3D printers in the production of its 2008 film Coraline, with the main character managing a relatively weak 200,000 expressions.
British animation producer Rodman has also used 3D printers in his latest movie series Pirates!
Stuart Missinger said: \"before printing, all shapes need to be modeled on the computer, but it can save time in terms of studio animation, \"Stafford County university stops the winner of the course in motion animation and puppet production.
\"This means that the animator can pick and mix from the face Library.
But there is a seam line where there is a mouth replacement slot
It crosses the bridge of the nose from under the eyes and through the temple.
\"If the character has a beard, the seam line is masked --
But if it is visible, it needs to be painted in post-production.
\"Mr. Missinger\'s colleague Daryl Marsh is a senior lecturer at stop motion at the same university.
He admits that the technology does not fit the taste of every potential animator.
\"We are trying to get the students to try it,\" he said . \". \"A lot of stop-Motion is craft.
So they prefer to work by hand, but there\'s some crossoverover.
It makes sense when you do it once
This is the first time that people are confused.
\"Brian McLean is the creative director of quick-change animation and engineering
Leica prototype department. Laika says 3.
Four printers engaged in paranormal phenomena used 77 tons of printer powder.
They worked a total of 572 days and turned their faces from the lower eyelid to the chin of the main character.
Glue and powder elements as part of the process.
But this resin is liquid and in a given printer it is sprayed on water with multiple headssoluble powder-
\"Based on supporting materials, this is the basis of the whole process,\" Mr McLean said . \".
\"Although they look like sugar cookies in the oven when they appear, they don\'t remain when the supporting material is washed away.
Sometimes the printer goes wrong.
In one scene, two characters meet and their faces are mixed together, which is the result of a printer failure.
\"The solution to purposefully print the faces of both characters is to find us after a printer went wrong, and on this printer, a bunch of faces are printed together.
Whenever an error occurs during this process, we look at it and wonder, \"Can we take advantage of it ? \"?
In this case, it will have a cool effect.
\"Mr McLean has also responded to any purists who may think that new technology is fundamentally depriving them of the skills to stop the movement.
\"The 3D printer is the connection between the computer and stop-
He said. \"Cutting-edge computer-
Generate to start it and manually
Signature of stop-
Form of film artfinishes it.
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