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Transparent Prototype Model for 3d printing

by:Tuowei     2019-09-30
2017-10- 19 21: 57

The advantage of 3d printing prototypes is that they can be printed no matter how complex they are, and they are also very fast, however, the CNC machining of large products will account for a large price advantage, and the material side will also prevail. For example, the transparent prototype has different effects.

What is the higher accuracy of 3D printing prototype and CNC prototype processing? 80% of people may think that the accuracy of 3D printing is higher. In fact, the accuracy of 3d printing is not as high as CNC. Just because CNC machining uses a removal method, there is no way to process some structures, while 3D printing uses a push-product method, so it is not limited by the complexity of the structure. In addition to accuracy, the 3d printed prototype is not very good in performance. For temperature resistance, the prototype processed by CNC can withstand high temperature of about 100 degrees, the 3d printed prototype will be deformed at about 60 degrees.

The following figure is a transparent prototype made by the extension model, both of which are printed with photo-sensitive resin materials, at the beginning of printing, it is translucent. To achieve the effect of full transparency, it must be treated on the surface.

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