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business technology: advances; from screen to solid 3-d model in a matter of minutes

by:Tuowei     2019-09-05
LEWISMARCH 1988 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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A graduate student at the University of Texas invented a way to make three-
The size model of the object is only a few minutes after being designed on the screen using computer graphics.
Inventor Carl R.
Compare equipment to three-
Laser printer capable of producing solid objects instead of two dimensions
The dimension representation of the object.
Once the system has been improved, its direct commercial application will significantly reduce the time and cost of manufacturing parts prototypes for various industrial purposes, and it may take weeks or months now.
Other applications may be in the construction field, allowing for the rapid construction of the scale model of the proposed building, or in the medical field, allowing the construction of the model from three aspects
Three-dimensional scans of the patient\'s internal organs and tumors were performed.
The technical name of this process is \"selective laser sintering\", but it may be more commonly referred to as \"Desktop Manufacturing \".
\"There are still months to go from the market, and this is a major example of the transfer of technology developed by American universities to the private business sector to encourage and mitigate academia.
The success of early experiments with laser sintering equipment has excited university and private researchers. Dr.
Hans Mark, president of the University of Texas System, said,
Decard\'s invention \"can be used for manufacturing as Xerox did for printing.
Mr. advertising.
Decard and his faculty advisor
So far, Joe Beiman has created dozens of small
Scale plastic model, the size of each model is about the size of the cigarette packaging, consisting of sparkling, hardened black powder.
Looking closely, the model reveals a complex design: for example, a hollow cube inside a cube, or a staircase-
Ladder shape that intersect the walls with wide variations in width.
Once the shape is made, it\'s a relatively easy process to use a technique called \"Lost\"
Wax casting to create a complete
The strength mold of the part, Sir saidDeckard, a 26-year-
Old Doctor candidate
Two other companies are developing similar modeling devices.
In terms of development and commercialisation, the state-of-the-art is a \"stereo print\" device manufactured by 3D Systems Inc.
San Fernando, CaliforniaIt uses a low-
A strong UV laser that causes the liquid light to harden the polymer (plastic.
The device, which will cost $175,000 when shipped to customers in May, is being tested by GM, Kodak, Pratt & Whitney and Baxter Travenol. Hydronetics Inc.
The University of Chicago is in the early stages of development, and with the help of John Deere, a system similar to the University of Texas\'s \"laminate object manufacturing.
Hydronetics is exploring the use of metal or plastic flakes in addition to powder.
Researchers in Texas say they believe in their powder
System-based costs are lower and more complex compared to liquid plastic or film processes, but they acknowledge that 3D system equipment will be available faster.
They also believe that the patent sought by the university is broad enough to protect the technology during development.
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The university will be interested in Mr.
Dicard\'s research, because he put forward the idea while \"breathing the university air,Deckard said.
But in December, the Regent Council granted exclusive permission to Nova Automation for the technology, among which
Decard and the university each hold a 20% interest in part of the royalties.
The main partner of Nova Automation is Nova Graphics International in Austin
A computer graphics company that promises to raise hundreds of billions of dollars in venture capital.
Nova Graphics, together with the university\'s technology development and transfer center, formed Nova automation.
Founded in 1986, the center aims to promote the commercial application of academic research by linking researchers with venture capital companies.
The system is still in the original prototype phase, mixed with \"scrap\" items such as motorcycle speedometer cables, rubber gloves, simple wooden cases and Commodore 64 home computers.
This is how the system works: The designer uses the computer-
The auxiliary design (CAD) program creates a 3D shape and stores its coordinates in the memory of the computer.
When the design is complete, the computer is ordered to make the shape, just as people command the computer to print the document. Mr. advertising
The analogy of decard\'s laser printer is appropriate.
In a laser printer, a beam of light is targeted by mirrors and prism on a rotating photosensitive drum, quickly turning on and off to produce tiny points that attract or reject the powder. In Mr.
Deckard\'s device, the beam from a normal laser is scanned into a reservoir of powdered plastic or metal.
When the laser is emitted, its heat blends the nearby particles together.
At the same time, a counter
Rotate the drum to pass back and forth to keep the plastic bed smooth and flat.
Once the laser is done-
Equivalent to a page in a laser printer --
Roller rise 1-
A hundred times the inch and a new layer of powder were applied in the first one.
When the laser passes, it also sintering each subsequent layer to the previous layer, and so on, sintering 60 layers in three dimensions.
The area not hit by the laser is still powder and can be blown away or cast off. Mr.
Decard said that the accuracy of the device and the size of the object are relatively unlimited.
\"At first, we were dealing with issues that we knew could be solved, and open issues, and we were not sure we could solve them,\" he said . \".
Now we know we can do it all.
\"A version of this article was printed on page D00006 of the National edition on March 16, 1988, with the title: Business Technology: progress;
From screen to entity 3-
D model can be completed in a few minutes.
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