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These Two Dutch Students Create 3D-Printed Snacks From Food Waste

by:Tuowei     2019-09-08
According to FAO, about 1-per year-
Third, food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. That’s about 1.
3 billion tons.
There is no doubt that fruits and vegetables are the highest rate among all foods.
But what if we can find a way to magically turn food waste into completely edible food?
It\'s two Dutch girls in their 20 s, Elzelinde Van Doleweerd and Vita Broeken, who are trying to print food with their brand new company.
They don\'t use magic though. they use 3D printing.
It all began in Elzelinde\'s Last Bachelor\'s year at Eindhoven University, when she had the idea of upgrading food waste to edible products using 3D printing technology.
She decided to focus on bread because it was the biggest waste of food in the Netherlands.
Elzelinde mash the old bread, add spices and herbs, and make a printable food paste to make it more delicious.
She then filled the syringe with a paste and injected it into the printer.
Finally, she baked and dehydrated the printed food to make it last longer.
The final product is a crispy and delicious snack.
Apart from the fact that it still sounds amazing to me, it also sounds like an interesting way to rethink food waste.
Many people believe that the project introduction Dutch Design Week 2018 last October, where is a warm welcome.
Encouraged by such positive feedback, Elzelinde decided to take her idea of cycling to a new level and worked with Vita Broeken to find a printed food
They work together to expand the amount of waste ingredients they can use (
Fruits and vegetables are now included)
And create extra recipes for the new food sauce.
Currently, their goal is to help restaurants analyze and reuse their food waste.
Like these beautiful innovations, expanding them is the main obstacle, and the products of Elzelinde and Vita are no exception.
However, although the two entrepreneurs were young, they did not shy away from the challenge and they were looking at possible ways to overcome the problem.
In all of this, they won 2018 Eco coin award a few days ago
The Netherlands organization Next Nature Network has set up awards for \"outstanding ecological heroes --
Because their \"strong and innovative ideas can really change the world.
\"The idea of starting with a simple University program is not bad.
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