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Nasa picks out the 3D-printed houses that astronauts could use to survive on Mars

by:Tuowei     2019-09-08
Nasa has selected several 3D designs
One day can support printed houses for astronauts living on Mars.
As part of multiple design teams, the space agency has given bonuses to five different design teams
How to maintain the annual race of human life on this red planet.
The winning designs were selected by a panel of subject matter experts from NASA, academia and industry.
Despite the submissions made by 18 groups, the jury reduced it to 5 possibilities and allocated a portion of $100,000 to each group (£76,245)prize money.
Each winning team created the numbers of their Mars houses that said they had to be 3D printed on a dusty alien planet ready to support a team of four astronauts.
Monsey Roman, Nasa\'s Centennial Challenge program manager, said we are delighted to see this diverse team successfully participating in this competition in their own unique style.
Not only are they designing structures, they are also designing habitats that allow our space explorers to live and work on other planets.
As the competition progressed, we were delighted to see their designs come to life.
Artificial intelligence space plant is a building and technology organization established in New York, one of the award-winning designs envisions a huge vertical cylinder that effectively manages thermal insulation, maximizing the interior space, simplify the printing process.
Besides, it looks like something in science fiction. fi movie.
They went home with $20,957. 24 (£15,978. 85)
A $100,000 bonus to develop their ideas.
Nasa initially launched the challenge in 2014 and offered bonuses in three different stages of progress. ‘The 3D-
The printing Habitat Challenge is designed to drive the development of sustainable shelters that will one day take up the moon, Mars or beyond, drive citizen inventors to develop new technologies and use indigenous resources to create additional habitats, or there is no recyclable material.
Each design must contain at least a thousand square feet of space, as well as all the equipment that astronauts need to live on the surface of Mars for a year.
In addition to professional design companies, the space agency has accepted submissions from American universities, colleges, businesses and high schools.
Lex Exus said we are encouraging a wide variety of people to come up with innovative designs for the way they envision their Martian habitat, dean of the Caterpillar School of Engineering and Technology at Bradley University, and NASA\'s partner in this challenge.
Virtual levels allow teams from high school and universities and businesses that may not be able to get large 3D printers are still part of the competition because they can compete with people who can get this machine.
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